
WMAT Policies

The following Policies are trust level Policies and can be found on the WMAT website by clicking on the link below:

  • Academy Trust Handbook
  • Charging and Remissions Policy
  • Children with Health Needs who Cannot Attend School Policy
  • Complaints Policy and Procedure
  • Data Protection / GDPR Policy
  • Designated Teacher for Looked After Children / Previously LAC Policy
  • Equal Opportunities in Employment Policy
  • Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy
  • Freedom of Information Policy
  • Health and Safety Policy
  • ICT Code of Conduct (Staff)
  • Personnel Code of Conduct
  • Recruitment and Selection Policy
  • Remote Education Policy
  • Safeguarding Statement of Intent
  • SEN (Special Educational Needs) Policy
  • Suspensions and Exclusions Policy
  • Whistle Blowing Policy
  • WMAT Admissions Policy

WMAT Policies

If you need to contact us regarding Freedom of Information, please email Colin Howard, Data Protection Officer, at colin.howard@satswana.com.

FHES Polices

FHES Policies can be found under Downloads at the bottom of this page.


Policies Date  
Accessibility Plan 2023-26 19th Jul 2023 Download
Anti-Bullying Policy 06th Jul 2023 Download
Attendance Policy 16th Jul 2024 Download
Behaviour Policy v2 20th Feb 2024 Download
BTEC Assessment Policy 30th Jun 2023 Download
Careers Education Policy 07th Mar 2023 Download
Curriculum Policy 25th Jun 2024 Download
Equality Diversity and Inclusion Statement 08th Mar 2024 Download
Examinations Policy 28th Feb 2024 Download
Feedback Guidance Policy 29th Nov 2023 Download
FHES Admissions Policy Sept 2024 to August 2025 04th May 2023 Download
FHES Admissions Policy Sept 2025 to August 2026 20th Feb 2024 Download
FHES Admissions Policy September 2023 to August 2024 28th Feb 2023 Download
FHES Travel Plan 2023 06th Jun 2023 Download
First Aid and Medical Support in School Setting 28th Mar 2024 Download
Funding Educational Visits for Pupil Premium Students 2022.23 31st Mar 2023 Download
Home Learning Policy v1 15th Sep 2023 Download
Internet and E-Safety Policy v1 21st Feb 2024 Download
Provider Access Policy 17th Jan 2024 Download
PSHE Policy 21st Feb 2024 Download
Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2021.24 (3) 20th Dec 2023 Download
Relationships and Sex Education Policy 16th Jan 2024 Download
Remote Learning Provision Policy 24th Jan 2024 Download
Rewards Policy 16th Jul 2024 Download
Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy 14th Nov 2023 Download
Social Media and Mobile Phone Devices Policy 06th Jul 2023 Download
Uniform and General Appearance Policy 19th Jul 2023 Download
WMAT Health, Safety and Welfare Policy with FHES Local Amendment and Appendix A 17th Jan 2024 Download