
At Farnham Heath End School we take pride in ensuring every student receives exceptional pastoral care within a fostering and supportive environment.

When students arrive at Farnham Heath End School, it is imperative that they immediately feel part of our community.  Our skilled Year Leaders and team of Tutors ensure that the transition phase is successful with both students and families being supported.

Year Leaders are supported by our Student Support team, Safeguarding Lead and Attendance and Inclusion Officers, who collectively ensure that pastoral care is tailored to the personal needs and circumstances of every student at the various stages of their school career.

Each student follows a tutor programme during the registration period at the start of every day.  Every Monday, students have an extended tutor time for the delivery of the PSHE curriculum.  Students will also have different themed assemblies each week.  Tutors will lead tutor time sessions looking at well-being, revision techniques and other relevant topics for school life. 

Our Recognition and Reward system uses reward points on Arbor to celebrate students’ achievements and successes.  Students are awarded reward points for high standards of work and positive contributions to lessons, as well as for demonstrating our school values and for enthusiastic participation in extra-curricular activities.  Reward points can be viewed via the Arbor Parent Portal.

Celebration Assemblies are held by the Year Leader to recognise and reward students who have gained significant numbers of reward points, as well as celebrating those with excellent attendance within the year group.

Our School Council forms the school’s Student Voice, giving students credible input into decisions about many changes within the school.

For any pastoral issues, the first point of contact should be the Form Tutor and, for more serious issues, the Year Leader.  In extreme cases, it may be necessary to contact the Director of Key Stage or other relevant member of the Senior Leadership Team.

Please click on the link below to access our Staff Contact List and staff email addresses:

FHES Staff Contact List