Subject Information - Enterprise (BTEC)
BTEC Enterprise aims to help students understand the world of work, from a corporate and entrepreneurial view point. Within the course, students investigate how a small business can be run successfully and something they can achieve, giving them potential options post-16 within the world of work. With a robust curriculum, Enterprise investigates opportunities and links with careers, engaging in both research assignments throughout the course and an exam at the end of Year 11.
Please note that, from September 2025, this course is no longer being offered as, going forward, we will be moving to GCSE Business.
Resources and support materials can be found on Google Classroom.
Further information can be requested from Mrs M Orford, morford@fhes.org.uk
Component 1: Exploring Enterprises
Content taught September to December in Year 10.
How and why enterprises and entrepreneurs are successful. Customer needs and competitor behaviour through market research. How the outcomes of situational analyses may affect enterprises.
Internal Assessment in January to April in Year 10.
Component 3 financial content taught May to July in Year 10.
Component 2: Planning and Pitching a Micro Enterprise Idea
Internal Assessment September to December in Year 11
Component 3: Marketing and Finance
Content taught January to May in Year 11.
Marketing activities, Financial documents and statements, Financial planning and forecasting.
External exam takes place in May of Year 11.
Business Acumen.
Entrepreneurial Mindset, Characteristics and Skills.
Effective Communication.
Digital Skills.
Ethical Leadership.
Teamwork and collaboration.
Critical Thinking and Problem-solving.
Financial understanding and application
During the course, students will undertake a variety of assessment opportunities including two written components and a final examination which takes place in May 2025. Both coursework components are internally assessed and completed in separate assessment windows in Year 10 and 11. The examination is externally marked and results for the full course are released, along with Year 11 GCSE results.