Subject Information - Religion, Philosophy and Ethics
Religion, Philosophy and Ethics (RPE) vision is to pose challenging questions about meaning and purpose in life, beliefs about God, issues of right and wrong and what it means to be human.
RPE should also develop in students an aptitude for dialogue so that they can participate positively in our society with its diversity of beliefs. RPE should also support pupils in developing their sense of identity and belonging.
We offer clubs such as Philosophy Film Club and a Philosophy Club run by the Institute of Philosophy. At KS4, there are opportunities for students to visit a range of places of worship to enhance their classroom learning.
Resources and support materials can be found on Google Classroom.
Please note that parents have the right to withdraw their child from all or part of RPE.
Further information can be requested from Mrs M Bibi, Head of Department, mbibi@fhes.org.uk
Autumn Term |
Spring Term |
Summer Term |
Year 7 |
What is Religion? -What are the common dimensions of a religion? My World View -What influences the way I think about things?
Islam -beliefs and practices Judaism -beliefs and practices |
Hinduism -beliefs and practices Holy Week -What happened during Holy Week? Who is most responsible for the death of Jesus? |
Year 8 |
Philosophy -Aristotle -Plato -Socrates Sikhi -Equality in Sikhi |
Ethics -How do we make moral choices? -Absolutism -Relativism Buddhism -Life of Buddha Buddhist beliefs and practices |
Crime and Punishment -why do people commit crime? -Why do we punish people? - What are the aims of punishment?
Year 9 |
Religion and Life -Where do we come from and why should we care about the planet? -Climate change -Life, death and afterwards |
Test of Faith What can test our faith? Christianity Beliefs
Peace and Conflict -Pacifism -Nuclear weapons -Terrorism
Year 10 |
Christianity Practices Islam Beliefs |
Family and Relationships -Marriage -divorce Religion and Life- -abortion -euthanasia |
Islam Practices |
Year 11 |
Islam Practices Revision |
Key Skills |
Year 7 |
Year 8 |
Year 9 |
Year 10 |
Year 11 |
Knowledge and Understanding |
Identify key concepts. Demonstrate good use of subject specific vocabulary. |
Describe key concepts and give examples to show understanding. Demonstrate good use of subject specific vocabulary. |
State and explain key concepts and give examples to show understanding. Demonstrate good use of subject specific vocabulary. |
State key concepts and beliefs which are critically explained. Give examples to show understanding. Demonstrate consistent, contextually accurate and appropriate use of specialist vocabulary. |
State key concepts and beliefs which are critically explained. Give examples to show understanding. Demonstrate consistent, contextually accurate and appropriate use of specialist vocabulary.
Religious Evidence |
State or paraphrase a relevant piece of biblical text or source of authority. State Biblical Texts: Introduce relevant passages from religious texts or authoritative sources to provide context and insight. |
Interpret religious texts. Explain the meanings of selected passages, linking them to broader themes or lessons. |
State and explain the meaning of a relevant piece of biblical / religious text or source of authority and link it to your point. |
State and explain the meaning of a relevant piece of biblical text or source of authority and link it to your point. |
State and explain the meaning of a relevant piece of biblical text or source of authority and link it to your point. Link to historical and social context.
Evaluate |
Express Opinions: Encourage students to express their opinions on religious topics with supporting reasoning. |
Consider Counterarguments: Prompt students to consider opposing viewpoints and provide reasoned responses. |
Develop a reasoned response to the meaning and purpose of religious teachings that shows how they influence your and other’s views. |
Create one chain of reasoning, using evidence, drawing a valid conclusion. |
Create one chain of reasoning, using evidence, drawing a valid conclusion.
Synthesis |
Compare and contrast (identify similarities and differences). |
Explain similarities and / or differences between beliefs, teachings and practices. |
State how religious teachings and historical events and experiences can impact your life and that of others. |
Compare and Contrast Beliefs: identify similarities and differences between religious beliefs, teachings, and practices. |
Provide independent, well-informed, highly reasoned and examined insights into your own and others’ religious beliefs, in light of religious teaching. Provide reasoned examples to show the impact religious teachings have on people’s lives. |
Exam Board |
Paper 1 |
Christianity beliefs Christianity Practices Islam Beliefs Islam Practices |
Paper 2 |
Theme A: Family and Relationships Theme B: Religion and Life Theme D: Peace and conflict Theme E: Crime and Punishment |
Link to specification |
Specification for first teaching in 2016: Specification (aqa.org.uk)