The School Day

The school reception is open from 8.00am until 4.00pm every weekday (40 hours per week).

School is open to students from 8.00am, the school day starts at 8.30am and registration closes at 9.00am 

The school timetable is as follows:

Time Monday
08.30 - 09.15 Registration / PSHE
09.15 - 10.05 Period 1
10.05 - 10.55 Period 2
10.55 - 11.15 Break
11.15 - 12.05 Period 3
12.05 - 12.55 Period 4
12.55 - 13.35 Lunch break
13.35 - 14.25 Period 5


Time Tuesday - Friday
08.30 - 9.00 Registration
09.00 - 09.50 Period 1
09.50 - 10.40 Period 2
10.40 - 11.00 Break
11.00 - 11.50 Period 3
11.50 - 12.40 Period 4
12.40 - 13.20 Lunch break
13.20 - 14.10 Period 5
14.10 - 15.00 Period 6